But grand designs did not necessarily produce great architecture.
Had the city produced new architecture of distinction in the past generation, contextual design might be less offensive.
The rise of kingdoms in the West African coastal region produced architecture which drew on indigenous traditions, utilizing wood.
The intermingling of cultures produced a rich art and architecture in the region.
But can anyone cite an example in which that kind of a process has produced really great architecture?
Nor does simply eliminating asphalt produce utopian architecture.
Mind you, a combination of clients and architects with huge egos is only going to produce architecture of this type.
He produced modern architecture focussing on cultural, educational and residential projects, but also worked on two restoration projects.
For all its success as an economic venture, the European Union has yet to produce much memorable architecture.
The award is given annually to a firm that "has consistently produced distinguished architecture for at least 10 years.