A male is male not because he produces only androgens but only because he produces mostly androgens.
(3) Adrenal gland also produces androgens (male hormones) which have effect in both men and women.
They also produce androgens.
Soon after they differentiate, Leydig cells begin to produce androgens.
The luteinized cells produce androgens, which may lead to hirsutism and virilization (or masculinization).
It is speculated that insulin, at high enough concentration, stimulates the ovarian theca cells to produce androgens.
A man with androgen insensitivity syndrome produces androgens and testosterone but their body does not recognize it, either partially or completely.
Isolated 17,20-lyase deficiency - A condition that is characterized by an either partial or complete inability to produce androgens and estrogens.
Another frequent cause is the Pill, which can make the ovaries produce excessive androgens (male-type hormones)- hence the hairiness.