Every one of those ships must be primarily a particle accelerator of prodigious size.
We grew trunks of prodigious size, standing tall, symmetrical, lush, and proud.
To the east, he was told, there were other tracks, bigger, showing talon marks of prodigious size.
The beasts were of prodigious size, with massive shoulders and hairless snouts.
It spreads outwardly and drapes, and can grow to prodigious size.
In fact, as shown in this video, they are of truly prodigious sizes.
But the air was cold as he lay down on the straw with his hand dose to the two-handed broadsword of prodigious size.
In recent decades, exhibition catalogues have grown to prodigious sizes and may be the most comprehensive sources for even rather large subject areas.
A horned beast of prodigious size lifted a huge club and ran at the Forest King.
Stephen was noted for his prodigious size and physical strength.