This forest has the most prodigious growth of conifers unequalled anywhere on earth.
The prodigious growth of the freshwater marine plant is likely a self-purification mechanism.
Perhaps they went through a spurt of prodigious growth in youth.
A prodigious growth of whiskers, greyish-dirty and untrimmed for years, sprouted from his face.
Indeed the resemblance was less to a jungle than to some undersea reef, not least because the plants' prodigious growth made them sway as if moved by a tide.
That, combined with prodigious growth, diffusion of research activities, and managerial problems, proved costly.
It lay half buried amidst a prodigious growth of trees and bushes.
First; the prodigious growth and influence of the genius of Shakspeare, in the last one hundred and fifty years, is itself a fact of the first importance.
This rapid contraction brings to a close a bold chapter in publishing history: years of prodigious growth saw sales treble in arts autobiography between 2001 and 2008.
This contrivance - make prodigious growth estimates far enough into the future to generate a less yikes!