The high point of his prodigious capacity for production was reached in the late 1910s.
"All through his life and up to his last day, Frank Sprague had a prodigious capacity for work," his son Robert wrote in 1935.
Accordingly, ginkgo retains a prodigious capacity for vegetative growth.
Many friends speak of her prodigious capacity for work.
Some of the rowdier members will tell frightening tales of their prodigious capacity for menace.
One can only imagine Kashalkar's questionless loyalty to his various gurus, and his own prodigious capacity to assimilate and consolidate the incoming knowledge.
Indeed, energy, a prodigious capacity for hard work, a brilliant memory and perseverance helped Gromyko to rise to the position of Foreign Minister.
Criodrilus lacuum Hoffmeister, 1845 also has prodigious regenerative capacity with 'head' regeneration from as far back as 40/41.
An insatiable curiosity and a prodigious capacity for synthetic reading and analysis (a more inspired grind may never have existed) nourished her drive.
But since he had a prodigious capacity, alcohol did not, for a long time, affect his performances.