As important is how processors will share data amongst themselves, whether by writing to a common memory or by sending messages to each other.
However, since both logical processors share the same cache, the prospect of cache conflicts increase.
The two processors shared the same bus, and the Z80 programs still ran under the 8088 operating system.
Thus, both the processors are active simultaneously and share the load and the resources dynamically.
Shared memory architecture, where multiple processors share the main memory space, as well as other data storage.
Five processors share a 32 kB instruction cache.
Shared memory architecture, where multiple processors share the main memory space.
Such caches are used in systems where many processors or computers share the same memory and each have their own cache.
The biggest disadvantage was that both processors shared the same bus and were unable to access the memory registers at the same time.
This was one of the first commercial designs to make use of bus snooping, allowing many processors to share the same memory efficiently.