The Immigration Service has made one concession to passenger convenience, however: United States citizens are processed separately, allowing them to move through faster.
The photos were processed separately and pasted into the "windows" produced by the black rectangles on the proof pages.
These documents are processed and stacked separately.
To derive the information needed to instantly synthesize a lifelike facial model, these two sources are processed separately.
The more layers are processed separately per frame, the higher the quality of 3D illusion tends to be.
After your form had been received, it is processed by the House and Senate separately.
The cipher has a block size of 64 bits, but the two halves are processed nearly separately.
Separating wastes on site so they can be transferred easily to appropriate waste storage areas and separately processed.
For example, syntactic analysis creation takes place without input from semantic analysis or context-dependent information, which are processed separately.
Grapes from different regions, and even from different parts of the same vineyard, are processed separately to preserve their specific character.