The group proceeded up the rest of the aisle and out of the car.
I proceeded up the driveway at five miles an hour, and everyone in sight turned away thinking, "Rental."
Afraid of being by any chance discovered, he put out his light, and proceeded up the stair in the dark.
He took firm hold of her hand and side by side they proceeded up the walk toward the house.
So, as any loving family would do, we all proceeded up 11 flights of steps - twice!
They proceeded up the walk to the front door and stopped, listening.
The boats stop in a dark tunnel and proceed up a lift hill.
Heads turned with suspicion as they proceeded up the long, narrow aisle.
The firemen consulted the check list, thought they had a good system and proceeded up into the building to fight the fire.
Traffic, I noticed immediately, was proceeding up and down the wrong sides of the street.