The flight proceeded out over the Pacific Ocean to dump fuel in order to reduce weight for an emergency landing.
Weighing anchor at 20:27, almost a half-hour behind schedule, the yacht proceeded out to sea but soon encountered her old gremlin-boiler trouble.
Before he could move, the young woman came out of the house, looked at him, and proceeded out the front gate.
Proceeding out on the ledge, it turned its body, the lower part of which now appeared very swollen, and backed once more toward the crevice.
They hugged, and Gaby proceeded out back.
I came to the main highway and stopped, then proceeded out into the right-hand lane and headed back for town.
Still not being answered, she shook her head and proceeded out into the third-level hallway.
Fires were brought forward in the boilers, and at 19:00, the ship slipped and proceeded out under steam.
"Noon," he said as he passed the Executioner an proceeded out the front door.
It shows Paulini walking around behind the stage before proceeding out and singing to an audience of clapping fans.