The woman said the procedure would violate her beliefs as a Pentecostal Christian.
The court rejected appellants' contention that this procedure violated the Federal Constitution.
"No rules were broken, no policies or procedures violated with this particular review."
The procedures used in civilian trials violate due process as well.
As per the judgment the procedure prescribed under section 4 violated an individuals right to privacy.
Even though such a procedure would not formally violate the law, it could be considered an attack on its spirit.
The common element in the lawsuits is the assertion that the challenged procedures violate the aliens' constitutional right to due process of law.
As long as the procedures themselves do not violate human rights, those screened out as economic migrants are candidates for return.
"There is a question," he said, "of whether this procedure would be violating the surgeon by harming the donor."
Much of the debate is unfocused and many procedures routinely violated.