In Canada there is 1 procedure required to start a business which takes on average 5 days to complete.
In some cases, procedures required to protect a woman's life are not available during pregnancy.
Federal officials said they did not have authority, under existing law, to require such procedures.
The meeting had been an open one, and so did not require covert procedures.
The legislative procedures required for this have not yet been completed in all the candidate countries.
Information on procedures required in a specific state may be obtained from that state's legislature or governor's office.
The procedure required today as a matter of constitutional law finds no precedent in our legal system.
And to gain legal access to state land to build a modest home requires procedures that take 3 years 7 months to complete.
No one even seems certain of the exact procedures required, although it appears that approval by both the local and state governments is needed.
No school official, however, ever made a home visit, a procedure required after 10 consecutive absences.