This procedure permitted comparison between operations in the four countries and projects in the four countries.
This procedure, it was explained, permits the text to flow more freely.
Just as with the use of medications, the other medical procedures and procedures permitted to paramedics varies broadly from one jurisdiction to another.
This procedure permits the algorithm to work with hundreds of thousands of different sequences simultaneously.
Theoretical procedures permit the systematic study of intramolecular interactions, particularly between directly bonded groups and those connected to a common centre.
These procedures permit domestic activity involving foreign items to take place as though they were outside of a U.S. Customs territory.
The city's procedures presently do not permit recipients to appear personally, with or without counsel, before the official who finally determines continued eligibility.
The machines and procedures which were available to me in my refuge permitted me to change the appearance of my person.
As gross domestic product increases, the new systems and procedures permit greater levels of output with little additional hiring.
The matter is now being pushed through as quickly as procedures permit.