But even when it acts unilaterally, as by raising tariffs on some French luxury foods, it follows procedures authorized internationally.
Some of the procedures authorized in Iraq had been banned as too harsh months earlier at Guantánamo.
At the exchange, companies emit by procedures authorized by the regulating authorities, instruments of fixed income and securities (renta fija y de renta variable) with the purpose of securing capital from public investors.
But under the current procedures authorized by Congress, if the trade agreement is submitted for its consideration by March 1, Congress must either accept or reject it without amendment.
But that rule was waived under procedures authorized by the Rules Committee last year when the budget legislation, on the earned-income tax credit, was considered.
In 1996, the city, frustrated by the false starts, designated the property as in need of redevelopment, a procedure authorized by state legislation.
Within the military in particular, some of the harsh procedures authorized until this spring were quickly suspended or abandoned after the extent of the abuses at Abu Ghraib surfaced in April.
Section 605: Avoidance of duplicative or unnecessary analysis The Commission did not invoke any of the exemptions or special procedures authorized by section 605 in preparing its regulatory flexibility analyses.
Associate Justice Sherman Minton of the Supreme Court summarized the plight of many aliens in a famous sentence in 1950: "Whatever the procedure authorized by Congress is, it is due process as far as an alien denied entry is concerned."
Mr. Garza said he was delighted that the new procedure, authorized under a measure signed last month by Gov. George W. Bush, would allow legal certification of the votes.