The arrangements for the accreditation of Greek universities is a new procedure aimed at rationalizing the distribution of funds according to objective criteria.
For one thing, the commissioner's office has instructed umpires to enforce new procedures aimed at speeding up play.
It's all a painstaking set of procedures aimed at maximum creativity, a huge planning effort to encourage accidents-the Taylorizing of laughter.
Multi-document summarization is an automatic procedure aimed at extraction of information from multiple texts written about the same topic.
To be sure, the F.D.A. has a number of procedures aimed at identifying problems with imported foods.
As regards the issue of suspending cooperation, I believe that, at this stage, we cannot consider starting a formal procedure aimed at suspending development cooperation.
A couple of procedures aimed at combating distortion of competition and price fixing will not be enough to resolve this problem.
Furthermore, the Convention also makes provision for several procedures aimed at taking into account the differences in administrative or legal methods in the different Member States.
I am pleased to see that this procedure aimed at harmonising the distinguishing signs to be attached to motor vehicles is to succeed.
He spoke of introducing the "reverse-annuity mortgage program," a procedure aimed at helping elderly homeowners who are cash-poor but have significant equity in their houses.