Although Israel had signed the protocol, it ignored the document immediately, undermining the protocol by characterizing it as merely a "procedural device" without political significance.
The position has since been used as a procedural device to allow resignation from the House of Commons.
For this purpose the salient features are the role of 'office', the stress on procedural devices, the division of labour and the emphasis on hierarchy.
Opponents of the nominations made no apologies for using every procedural device at their disposal.
He held the seat for nearly 20 years until his resignation in 1947 by the procedural device of accepting the Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds.
In United States law, a motion is a procedural device to bring a limited, contested issue before a court for decision.
If, however, Congress adjourned during that 10 day period, the bill fails to become law in a procedural device known as the "pocket veto".
"It's a perfectly appropriate procedural device."
So this is simply a procedural device, a political trick.
When procedural devices are used to prevent a parliament from expressing itself, democracy is in danger.