He was also a prominent figure in the revival of rhetoric as an intellectual art, exploring the often problematic relation between philosophy and rhetoric.
He concedes a potentially subversive dimension to camp, but one inseparable from a more problematic and ambivalent relation to both femininity and women:
She mentions that the Uzbek government obstructed her from performing in Turkmenistan, with which Uzbek officials had problematic relations over border issues.
His behaviour, at times very difficult for colleagues to bear, led to problematic relations within the college and to a separation from his wife.
In response, the Democratic Council members accused the Republicans of failing to understand the problematic relations between police officers and members of minority groups.
The return of the repressed: Psychology's problematic relations with psychoanalys, 1909-1960.
The white animal and the transfigured woman (brunette, dressed, walking, talking, feeling) remain in a problematic relation.
Throughout Robertson Davies's The Manticore a comparison is repeatedly made between the protagonist's problematic relations with his father and those of between the Biblical Absalom and King David.
The problematic relations between communists in Finland and those who had emigrated to Soviet Union was the main question.
Political enlargement with problematic relations with international law is, I would say, problematic in itself.