McHugh PR, Treisman G. PTSD: a problematic diagnostic category.
Wherever agency companies are based, Mr. Russell said, "they are going to have a problem" if they have "a lot of exposure to technology, financial services and travel," that is, many clients in problematic categories.
True, in the same report released in June, Venezuela had moved to the most problematic category (Tier 3).
He noted that this approach would cover virtually all cases of inquiry in the types of situations a congregational rabbi would be likely to experience, and suggesting that Conservative rabbis should similarly not abolish or declare opposition to problematic Biblical categories but should rabbinically limit their scope and effect.
I bet Paula, who arguably got stuck with the most problematic category in this competition, was relieved that she'd managed to get something out of all these kids.
The term is also a problematic category due to the considerable differences between the artists so labelled.