Real estate loans now make up almost 50 percent of its problem assets.
Now, Popejoy said, with its problem assets shrinking, it can make money at about 200 basis points, giving the institution a better chance to compete.
The industry today is much more profitable, much more efficient and has lower levels of problem assets than it did then.
At the end of 1993, the bank held $1.04 billion in problem assets, down 27 percent over the three months.
Excluding the addition of the troubled Brazilian loans, the problem assets stood at $1.35 billion.
Credit unions in this category may have only a moderate level of problem assets.
It will also receive the tax benefits and a share of profits from sales of problem assets.
Lawsuits and the size of First City's problem assets forced the company to seek outside buyers for help.
Goldome is likely to use a portion of those proceeds to pay someone to take problem assets in Florida off its hands.
It was managing $10.4 billion in problem assets on June 30.