I do not think it's a coincidence that access was denied the day after Dylan joined us on a probationary basis.
The commanding officer of the Anglians initially approved filming of the training by the crew on a probationary basis.
I'll admit Honey on a probationary basis.
On Priest's death, just four years later, Chilcot was made Abbey organist on a probationary basis.
After the doctors' suspensions, their licenses will be restored on a probationary basis for three years.
Silk Fever and her former teammates agreed to aid the Thunderbolts, joining the team on a probationary basis.
When a black officer named Reno Wells somehow managed to get hired on a probationary basis, the police chief and the city manager blew their stacks.
If your firing was based on poor performance, ask if you can resume work on a probationary basis.
In a reference whose meaning was not immediately clear, he seemed to say that electoral changes may be brought about only on "a probationary basis."
Though Western Australia only entered on a probationary basis, it managed to win the shield in its first season.