The name of the probable killer rose instantly to his mind: Slasher Doyle.
In any case, the Gordons were in cold storage tonight, the treasure was hidden somewhere, and their probable killer was about fifty feet from me, talking to a woman I'd become very fond of.
He, like Cliff, had picked Whitey Calban as the probable killer of Hugo Verbeck and Clark Durton.
In the book which led to Ross's pardon, author Kevin Morgan revealed for the first time the evidence missed by the police in their original investigation and identified by name Tirtschke's probable killer.
Because the show has no real doubt about Leo's innocence, or about the identity of the probable killer (a roguish black man), the audience has little to do except consider the show's stern cues.
And when Sarah's best friend is murdered, the normally nonjudgmental lawyer finds himself caught up in the vendetta brought by the dead girl's Dominican family against her probable killer.
I had not been able to spot a probable killer; I did not even note anyone displaying a curious lack of curiosity about the trouble at my table.
All of these revelations were satisfying, if predictable, but the scene in which Lisa's brother-in-law shoots himself on being revealed as Lisa's probable killer provided a flash of joy.
Windy's "good girl" persona is neatly contrasted with that of the probable killer, the mysterious Eve, who grew up hearing herself called "a worthless tramp," a "bad girl" who deserved to be punished.