In Fed jargon, the directive would be either neutral, "asymmetric-negative" (prefiguring a rate cut), or "asymmetric-positive" (signaling a probable increase).
Echoing several other analysts, he forecast that the bank would push up interest rates by about another 1.5 percentage points this year, with more increases probable in 2003.
Even such large increases do not reflect a probable increase in mental health costs related to the terrorist attacks.
In-Service Training day fees are being held at the same cost for the third year running, despite inflation and a probable increase in the cost of premises for Q.T. days.
The evidence shows that there is probable increase in intracellular calcium ions, which sustained calcium-dependent PDS.
In fact, the probable increase in number of species through time merely underscores the puzzle and paradox.
What we don't know is the effect on inflation of the lower dollar and the probable increase in import prices.
Although more than 2,000 families in recovery demonstrated in front of City Hall, no newspaper reported it or heralded the probable increase in drug addiction and child abuse.
'Really Crazy' Move To magazine executives, the phrase simply means another probable increase next year.
Projections suggest a probable increase in the frequency and severity of some extreme weather events, such as heat waves.