As an example, for the 871 likely voters, weighted to a probable electorate of 667, it is plus or minus four percentage points.
Among the probable electorate this November, Mr. Clinton's lead is only one point narrower.
Based on 802 registered voters nationwide, interviewed by telephone Sept. 21-22, and weighted to reflect a "probable electorate."
In the latest poll, 934 registered voters were weighted to reflect a "probable electorate."
The Times/CBS Poll was taken with 1,912 registered voters weighted to reflect a probable electorate.
Results based on the probable electorate reflect each respondent's likelihood of voting.
There were fewer than 100 registered black voters in the probable electorate in each poll.
Mr. Bentsen is viewed favorably by 43 percent of the probable electorate and unfavorably by just 20 percent.
The polls says Mr. Dukakis is favored by 43 percent of the probable electorate.
Based on interviews with 1,009 registered voters nationwide, interviewed by telephone Oct. 8-10, and weighted to reflect a "probable electorate."