If so, their probable destination was the Hawkins Estate.
He was very properly vehement against my turning into an idle sporting man, which then seemed my probable destination.
Then three more witnesses appear to give clues to the thief's identity and probable next destination.
He did not know and could not compute or even guess at his victim's probable destination.
It suggested a reason for the chindi's interest and seemed to confirm the probable destination.
The report from a trusted agent had given The Shadow a clew to the murderer's probable destination.
The opera house would seem a more probable destination.
She waited patiently, though he should have worked up the heading for Medusa almost by reflex, as that was obviously their most probable destination.
We can't always stick to procedures, but he should have given Mother a probable destination before dropping out of touch.
In fact, a quadrant of most probable destination was soon discernible, a sec tor covering only ten degrees on a side.