He points at the probable dangers of dehumanized, machine-driven world where AI slowly substitutes for man and eliminates its makers.
Not a comfortable fact, which led him back to another uncomfortable fact, which was that his partner had just gone out into possible if not probable danger.
No, that wasn't a probable danger here, not in this part of the North Sea.
Also addresses the probable danger posed by the elongation of telomeres in lab mice.
According to the news reports, "The Corps has deemed the hazards 'critical' and assigned a high rating of probable danger.
He ruled that calls for the violent overthrow of the American government posed enough of a "probable danger" to justify the invasion of free speech.
With a great curved talon the Vrang drew a line map in the snow, went over each point of probable danger for us.
The index code implies crisis on an interplanetary scale, with probable danger to billions of your fellow human creatures.
Immediately after Christmas and New Year, a number of articles appeared in the French media, mentioning probable dangers.
Cochrane, at the moment, felt an impulse to heave him out an airlock as a probable danger.