Living on the dark side of their own fears like this makes it hard to undertake positive, proactive steps.
To prevent this, the Forest Service began taking proactive steps to preserve the lake's water quality in the mid-1990s.
"This is a proactive step we took on our own, to avoid any issues," he said.
Get answers to your questions and take proactive steps to focus on your health.
"This is a proactive step toward cleaning up the city," said the council president, Jimmie Cook.
Parents can take proactive steps to childproof the home and keep their children safe by teaching them a few practical rules.
The symposium is a proactive step by the league, a road map that, if followed, should keep players out of trouble.
This approach failed to spell out proactive steps.
I welcome the committee's report which clearly allows for countries to take more proactive steps to ensure international biosafety.
We encourage you to take proactive steps to avoid becoming a crime victim.