But, thanks to the support of dissidents from the pro-military party, Tancredo Neves, the centrist candidate of the Democratic Movement Party, won the election.
Following the elections the main pro-military parties met with the leading members of the junta to attempt to form a workable coalition.
Thailand's military leaders, who have controlled the Government since a coup 13 months ago, were more direct in suggesting that the five pro-military political parties might consider someone else for the job.
The last election, on March 22, gave pro-military parties a small majority in Parliament.
The legislators, meanwhile, have asked Mr. Malval to enlarge his Government to include more pro-military political parties.
The offer was made by five pro-military political parties that won a majority in Parliament's lower house.
Others do understand but fail to associate the crisis with the pro-military political parties that have fanned out across the countryside to buy up votes.
Plínio Salgado joined the ARENA, the pro-military party.
Pakistan's pro-military political party and a coalition of hard-line religious parties each won at least three additional parliamentary seats in by-elections held Wednesday, Pakistan's official news agency reported.
At this point FSB shifted its position somewhat, becoming more of a pro-military conservative party.