However, Beijing can veto changes to the political system and pro-democracy forces have been frustrated by what they see as the slow pace of political reform.
This will include a perilous choice between confrontation or accommodation with the pro-democracy forces that have flourished among the six million residents of the British colony.
In recent days the language of official statements has grown more threatening, describing pro-democracy forces as traitors and terrorists.
It has ignored calls for an end to its assault on pro-democracy forces, and in the last few weeks has actually intensified its crackdown.
And the pro-democracy forces have gradually been suppressed.
This protest is part of a larger, fast-growing crusade by pro-democracy forces in Thailand to end military rule and install true democracy.
All over the world we need to succeed in building an alliance between Europe and pro-democracy forces: that is what the rapporteurs aimed for.
We would like it to end quickly and for it to end in victory for the pro-democracy forces.
We must formulate a common policy of dialogue with the pro-democracy forces in Iran.
It also authorized programs to support human rights dissidents and pro-democracy forces in Iran.