The pro-Russian government has been using the nearby, more secure city of Gudermes as its capital since late 1999.
Two months later, suicide bombers destroyed the headquarters of Chechnya's pro-Russian government in Grozny; more than 40 people died.
The 2004 school crisis is a prime example of this, when the pro-Russian government in Tiraspol forcefully attempted to close down 2 of these schools.
A gas shortage during heating season could discredit the president and weaken his party, perhaps leading to a more pro-Russian government in Kiev, Ukraine's capital.
A busload of riot police officers from the pro-Russian Chechen government was rumbling down a dirt road when a bomb exploded.
Most of those killed were police officers, including the director of the local militia in the Zavodsky district, part of Chechnya's pro-Russian government.
The pro-Russian Chechen government fled to Khankala military base, just outside the capital.
Hours earlier, on Saturday, a remotely detonated car bomb killed three Chechen policemen working for the pro-Russian local government.
China is threatening to invade the country to remove the pro-Russian government that came about after a China-leaning President there was assassinated.
On June 16, 2005, the local pro-Russian government announced that there were 52 mass graves in Chechnya.