The Indonesian military provided arms to pro-Indonesian militias to "encourage" the population to vote in favour of autonomy.
News of the proposal provoked a violent reaction in East Timor from pro-Indonesian militia.
Reports from outside the capital indicate that pro-Indonesian militias are still manning road blocks.
In August 1999, a vote in the territory for a break with Indonesia led to weeks of violence by pro-Indonesian militias.
Others joined the pro-Indonesian militias that ravaged East Timor.
But after we left, these same people were again put to the sword by the pro-Indonesian militias.
How will it resolve the problem of the Timorese refugees who are now just currency in the hands of pro-Indonesian militias?
At 07:00 on the morning of 16 October 1999 the Australian reconnaissance patrol was moving forward when it came into contact with pro-Indonesian militia.
Despite such a laudable move, pro-Indonesian militia launched a bloody campaign of intimidation, with the tacit backing of the army.
About 1,000 people died after the referendum as a result of violence by pro-Indonesian militias.