But all this changed in my junior year at college, when I wrote a prize-winning essay that occasioned much favourable comment among the English faculty.
The young Norwegian ensign, Engvig, had come along too, and was quietly observing in the background, doubtless gathering material for his next prize-winning essay.
He translated his prize-winning essay into English and it was published in 1786.
On the Omniscience of the Supreme Being (Cambridge, 1752) was his prize-winning 'poetical essay' of that year.
Lashanda Daniels did not have to spend time in the library researching her prize-winning essay on the homeless.
She was first in her class, editor of the law review, and published a prize-winning essay on constitutional law.
Germain published her prize-winning essay at her own expense in 1821, mostly because she wanted to present her work in opposition to that of Poisson.
These origin stories were collected, and a new one suggested, by Gordon Allport in a prize-winning undergraduate essay.
As a student, Olavs published a prize-winning essay in which he called for peaceful opposition of the German gentry.
He was also the author of a prize-winning essay called The Rights of Ireland (1845).