At that time the monastery enjoyed special privileges conferred upon it by Ivan the Terrible, and possessed some 60 villages in the vicinity.
But he added that these privileges also conferred responsibilities.
In this Liber Monarchiæ the privilege conferred by Urban II in regard to the legatine power was first published.
The privileges conferred were not abolished until the Municipal Corporations Act 1835.
In 1792, her son Prince Joao took over the reins of power, confirming the privileges conferred by his mother.
The second book of the chronicle is a history of the abbots, and the third recites the privileges conferred by popes and princes.
Inhibition temporarily restricts the priestly privileges conferred upon ordination, including celebration of the Eucharist.
Ancestral privilege, prescribed as sacrosanct in the texts, conferred divine authority.
We live in a free society, and privilege confers responsibility.
He is proof against me-immunized, as it were, by the privileges conferred by the Emblem of Honor.