The Pope included with the college also the Church of St. Stephen with all the privileges bestowed by his predecessor.
However, up to the beginning of the sixteenth century, the privilege bestowed by Urban II was never invoked or even mentioned.
Feldman was also given his own office in Downing Street, a privilege never bestowed before on a party chairman.
The statute substantially limited the power of the former in exchange for the new privileges bestowed upon the latter.
Even after the significant privileges and eulogies bestowed unto Kanon, her style still reflects that of her essence - contemporary classical.
The privileges and roles bestowed on the HoH are:
During the Soviet era, access to state-owned apartments was one of the most sought after privileges bestowed by the Communist elite.
In this Parliament, as in most democratic countries, parliamentary immunity is most assuredly not a personal privilege bestowed on individual Members.
Such were the seven privileges bestowed upon Urtubu by Chingiz Khán.