If I'm working for you, no privilege attaches to our relationship in any event, so hiring me won't serve as protection for either of us.
A second matter of doubt surrounds the meanings of 'Parliament' and 'proceedings'therein to which and which only the privilege attaches.
No other responsibilities or privileges now attach to the post.
It must be for Parliament to decide what documentary material or testimony it requires and the extent to which Parliamentary privilege should attach.
However, all businesses must always bear in mind that in Community law, privilege only attaches to communications with independent legal advisers and not with in-house Counsel.
The Divisional Court felt that it followed inexorably that privilege must attach to the photocopies made in those circumstances.
No privilege attaches to his position.
These privileges attach to reports of public statements and public documents.
Reed says privilege attaches when the law students take calls.
The traditional delivery model makes it easy to create delineations of when attorney-client privilege attaches and when it does not.