The code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs go to the most qualified.
And, be they dead, what privilege allows They walk unmantled by the cumbrous stole?
That privilege could allow him to specify that his questioning take place within a military building in an attempt to pit the armed forces against the government.
That privilege, Mr. Halberstam said, would allow them to make choices that their parents could never have imagined.
Still a wealthy man, Tweed enjoyed a fairly luxurious cell and was granted privileges not allowed other inmates.
Neither the attorney-client privilege nor the Constitution allows him a basis to refuse.
This privilege also allowed the town court to judge people of all states, including nobles and church hierarchs.
The minor privilege allowed the town to be used for commerce, handicraft and hostelry.
Together, these privileges allow for all Swedish children to have access to the same resources.
In Roman law, a right or privilege allowed to the parent of three or more children.