A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a "nuclear 9/11".
Mr. Lemay first warned of the diversion privately in 1989.
The elders might privately warn individuals in the congregation if the unbaptized person is considered to pose "an unusual threat".
But a "leading cosmetic surgery firm" has privately warned ministers that the proportion of women at risk is as high as 8%.
Mal quashes any talk of leaving people behind but privately warns Simon that River has to be kept under control.
American officials said that he had privately warned that North Korea, among other countries, was secretly keeping smallpox stocks.
Still, some in the party warned privately that the party's lawmakers should show more restraint because they risk being viewed as obsessed with impeachment at any cost.
When it was done, the seminaries were commended, none were closed and some were privately warned to shape up.
Two months ago, just before the Korean markets began to plunge, the Administration was privately warning officials in Seoul to get their house in order.
He was dubious about the Vietnam War, privately warning President Johnson repeatedly against deeper involvement.