While many in the group privately conveyed to Mr. Gritz a willingness to leave the compound, the leaders loudly vowed to resist capture.
They therefore determined to have me secretly secured, and privately conveyed to Siberia.
But the broader, regional plan could at least have been privately conveyed by President Bush to his European counterparts.
He reiterated the ultimatum that had already been conveyed privately.
On April 8, the report was privately conveyed to the Mayor, who advised them to quietly carry on with its current policy.
I think there's a question simply about whether these messages were conveyed privately or whether it wasn't also appropriate to convey them publicly.
Van Horn had hoped that Scott's remarks would be conveyed to him privately instead of in the news media, but Scott shrugged off the idea.
Moreover, since the scandal broke open, the ministry has not used any direct legal proceedings to regulate the industry, relying instead on privately conveyed "administrative guidance."
Mr. Wang's release and arrival in the United States, which has already privately conveyed a willingness to provide him asylum, would be a dramatic 11th-hour concession by China.
But the Clinton Administration's views were privately conveyed in a phone conversation with Finance Minister Masayoshi Takemura.