I privately concluded I should not run.
Ranulf believed the French were responsible; Corbett at first agreed, but then queried why they had waited so long and privately concluded that the attackers were from Lord Bruce's retinue.
She knew she was good, and it wasn't long before she privately concluded that she was better than most of her colleagues - more enthusiastic, more energetic, more productive.
In short, Roberto privately concluded, if you would avoid wars, never make treaties of peace.
The source of these reports, the State Department privately concluded, were high officials in Russia's F.S.B., the domestic branch of the old K.G.B..
After all, he concluded privately, if they all get killed, it really doesn't matter.
Some suggested she was handicapped by extreme jealousy while an early biographer of Harte, Henry C. Merwin, privately concluded that she was "almost impossible to live with".
"And there may be some reason for you to have that half soul," Chem concluded privately in Imbri's dream.
Howie concluded privately that the problem is psychological, and risked his life with a ruse which enabled Eric to take off.
The U.S. government privately concluded that the monopoly Diệm had on the media and the election campaign was a greater factor in the victory than intimidation and the fact that the voting was effectively public.