It is seeking a private-sector partner to help with the financing, and hasn't decided on a plan for the new structure.
ORD scientists also collaborate with private-sector partners to address important environmental issues.
The school district must obtain matching funds from a private-sector partner equal to at least 10% of the cost of the proposed project.
These activities are conducted with a wide range of public- and private-sector partners, including state and local health departments, community-based organizations and other nongovernmental organizations, universities, businesses, and the media.
Intourist has refused to help foreign interests find private-sector partners in the Soviet Union, Mr. Skripnikov said.
In January 2010, the TPA announced that it was seeking a private-sector partner to build the pedestrian tunnel.
NPPD collaborates and shares information with Federal, State, local, tribal, international, and private-sector partners.
The bonds serve as tax credits for the private-sector partners and provide as tax-free capital financing for renewable energy projects.
The county's private-sector partners own, operate and maintain the project.
Working with private-sector partners like Microsoft and Gateway, the Gates Foundation has helped provide computers and technology to 11,000 libraries.