The business community must provide greater private-sector jobs that people on welfare need to build good lives and strong families.
But we've made up 170,000 of the 320,000 private-sector jobs they lost.
Within six to nine months, most are ready to look for a private-sector job.
More than three million private-sector jobs have been lost on this president's watch.
The number of private-sector jobs grew more than it had in many months.
The city added 81,000 private-sector jobs during 1999, raising the total to 3.1 million.
Of the 228,800 private-sector jobs lost between 1988 and 1991, 93,000, or 40.7 percent, were at large companies.
And the few private-sector jobs that were available early in the season have been filled.
Foreign companies account for 7 percent of all private-sector jobs in the city.
To many Americans, the economic recovery is anything but - 2.7 million private-sector jobs have been lost in the last three years.