NFL Football was sold by Sears for the "Super Video Arcade," its private-label version of the Intellivision console, without the NFL name or logo.
Concentration was also released by Sears for its private-label version of the Atari 2600, the "Sears Video Arcade," under the name Memory Match.
When dealing with discount chains, manufacturers must contend with price cuts, a growing array of private-label versions of their toys and uncertain support in promoting their products.
Other private-label versions were manufactured for Montgomery Ward, Coast to Coast Stores, and Cotter & Company.
At the same time, the company is offering its own private-label version of Unit's merchandise, American Impressions, at lower prices in Penney stores.
Mr. Hahn said private-label versions might undercut the over-the-counter price of Claritin by as much as 70 percent.
He also led a core team of individuals that designed and implemented Pearson's Course Compass, a private-label version of Blackboard for Pearson Education.
Sea Battle was released under the same name by Sears for its private-label version of the Intellivision console, the "Super Video Arcade."
Space Hawk was also released by Sears for the "Super Video Arcade," its private-label version of the Intellivision console.
Those from Armani, Saint Laurent, Anne Klein & Company and several Japanese designers are particularly popular, along with private-label versions from many stores.