Issued to all citizens of Kosovo with a maximum validity of 10 years to facilitate private international travel.
On the same day, the ministerial administration modified the proposal to include private travel.
Many other lawmakers have also run afoul of requirements for reporting their private travel.
He has portrayed himself as operating in a security cocoon that blurred distinctions between private and public travel.
"In the future, on private travel, book me on commercial flights."
However, we understood the benefits of private and air travel on our very first bus ride.
The office found that he had billed the Government for private travel and improperly sought to escape paying taxes on his official limousine.
They talk about how they're bringing freedom, and the first thing they do is clamp down on private travel!
The measure would not ban private travel, as some members have urged.
Russia is like a home away from home for them now, and they have been there frequently for private travel.