In 1832 he took an early retirement from the military and worked as a private scholar in Hirschberg.
In 1913, he retired to become a private scholar and devote more time to social and political issues.
Spinoza spent the remaining 21 years of his short life writing and studying as a private scholar.
After 1945, he lived as a private scholar in Karlsruhe.
Following his excommunication, he returned to Neusorge as a private scholar and writer.
Until his death he lived as a private scholar in London who gave lectures and talks.
It is in danger of destroying my possible future as a young poet, private scholar, and unaffected person.
Feddersen lived from 1858 as a private scholar in Leipzig.
Bodmer, who called himself a "private scholar," was more than a collector.
He then went to Munich, studying there as a private scholar until around 1905.