Both public and private polling continue to show education, health care and Social Security are the issues really on people's minds.
And the White House says its own private polling data already show that the President's standing with the public has risen.
Recent private polling for the Democrats sustains that view.
Ms. Ferraro's aides say their private polling shows her support has only grown.
Osborne lacked gravitas and was seen as a political lightweight because of his "high-pitched vocal delivery" according to private Conservative polling before the election.
References to the private polling are like the neutron bombs of political discourse - quiet but devastating.
Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign signed off on a proposal to share all of its private polling with Silver.
It's hard to see, after this episode, how he can overcome the high negatives that he shows in all the private polling.
By July 2006 public and private polling gave Fenty a roughly 10-point advantage.
But the margin of error was unclear, and private polling for the opposition parties has produced pessimism among their staff members about new elections.