When authors try to make the case that paperless books will result in cost savings, Random House, the top-ranking publisher, expresses private misgivings.
Edmund smiled, ever courteous, despite whatever private misgivings he might have had.
Promotions and the chance to establish our unit formally, with its full slate of officers, would make up for whatever private personal misgivings we have.
During the late 1980s, Duran began to have private misgivings about the advisability of a military solution to obtaining regime change in Cuba.
Afterward, however, the Hindu leader also expressed private misgivings about Christian evangelization.
Such private misgivings are rarely revealed, much less rewarded, in the brawling environment of hip-hop.
It was a measure of her power, however, that women's groups were reluctant to criticize that speech despite any private misgivings.
Washington's failure to act publicly upon his growing private misgivings about slavery during his lifetime is seen by some historians as a missed opportunity.
He publicly backed the Imperial government's decision to go to war, but had private misgivings.
If Microsoft officials have any private misgivings about the new dictionary, they are not acknowledging them.