Consequently, he demanded regular communion in both kinds (bread and wine) for the laity, and he denounced private masses celebrated by a priest alone.
Later he extended this privilege to other orders for private masses only.
There are several masses offered each day and private masses are available by arrangement, as are weddings and funerals.
According to news reports that the Government has not denied, General Pinochet asked for the Pope to say a private mass for him.
A private funeral mass and burial service will be held Saturday in Kent.
Now he feels like a man in the heart of some ritual, a private mass for both the living and the dead.
King Cayleb and Queen Sharleyan had attended a private predawn mass, before the cathedral was opened to the public.
Fran'cois was celebrating his private mass.
Four disputed issues were left undecided: veneration of the saints, private masses, auricular confession, and transubstantiation.
This may mean that it is a superseded category, but there is still the issue of private masses.