The royal court concluded that the fire marshal had used the soldier for his and his wife's private errands.
Once or twice Ransom called to him, but the youth waved and vanished with a glimmer of his pole, intent on some private errand.
They were mostly small parties of two to six, flitting across the country as swiftly and quietly as birds, intent on some private errand.
Eve was on a private errand.
It was like a city street, with people moving in both directions, all in a hurry, all bent on some private errand.
To leave the Army threatened on two sides, and ride off on some private errand.
And she used public employees to pursue private errands.
But that, of course, is our private errand.
"There will be no repercussions in respect of your going off on your private errand seeing Fedosov the elder," he said.
"Our king has charged us with a private errand, and knowing it would not comfort you, I fear."