Others gave away the private dealings that allowed the invisibles to funnel money out of the system.
In the column, several board members have been accused of nepotism and unethical behavior in their private dealings with town contractors.
Such private dealings, however, are not likely to occur with any frequency in modern solicitors' partnerships.
The game had changed, Blaise, it is larger than you and I and our private dealings.
The Hillary we have come to know through her public and private dealings to date most closely resembles two political figures from our recent past.
"Then again," suggested Cranston, "he may have had some private dealings, of which we do not know."
(She maintains an office for private dealings at the Chelsea Hotel.)
The Havenites get their tech transfer through private dealings with industrial combines.
In his private dealings, Clinton rarely enforced promises and never saw the transgressions of his staff as grounds for dismissal.
There were certain Cardassians with whom I also had some profitable and private dealings.