Eligibility was however restricted to cases of state-owned land with no competing private claims.
Gawain had to have his personal, private claim on the heir.
Some 13,000 private claims have been filed against Drexel, but their total value has not been calculated.
During 1979, outstanding private claims were resolved, and a bilateral trade agreement was concluded.
In the forty years through 1994, over 800 private claims were brought against tobacco companies in state courts across the country.
In 1886 the Canadian government held an inquiry into the various private claims to settle on compensation.
However, the industry had feared the state lawsuits more than the private claims because they had the power of government behind them.
The reserve system was to keep the oil under government jurisdiction rather than subject to private claims.
The agreement does not affect private legal claims against Ford.
In 1979, outstanding private claims were resolved and a bilateral trade agreement was completed.