When she began performing at such a young age, her parents were worried about privacy problems that could be caused by using her last name.
It's a major privacy problem if you can't find things on your own computer without broadcasting what you're looking for to the world.
It's already off to a better start than Buzz, which was plagued with privacy problems and didn't offer much innovation out of the box.
This is only a privacy problem among people who are authenticated on the same access point.
"You really want a cure for your privacy problem?"
In the 20th century, to cope with the privacy problems of databases, information policy evolved further safeguards.
The program can create privacy problems if one computer is used by many people.
Some analyzed privacy problems linked to the proposed issuing of a national health security card.
I had to swap the music due to some privacy problem.
Governments are trying to address the potential privacy problems in advance.