Nikkormats are collected and pristine examples are difficult to come by.
At a reluctant first reading it seemed a pristine example of a new regime testing its strength on a directorate renowned for not having any.
The weapons are highly rare and collectible and pristine examples will command prices in excess of $25,000.
The beaker is now known to be an exceptionally fine and pristine example of 14th century luxury Islamic glass.
What kills me is that I passed up a pristine example four years ago because the owner was asking $20,000.
The building is an exceedingly rare and almost pristine example of a small-scale Tidewater house.
The McCarthy myth is the pristine example of how you have to say certain things to be accepted into civilized society.
There are no local concessions (well, maybe some of the food choices) rather it is another pristine example of the Disney magic.
Most such cameras have been through several owners though barely used pristine examples do show up now and then.
The accusation against Ellis is a pristine example of left-wing scandal-mongering.